Sunday, October 20, 2002

I wrote this one for a Play By E-Mail AD&D game called Loegaire (my second one, after the one in which Syvwlch was created, De Excidio Britanniae). It tells of a battle between a small dwarven army and a sea of goblinoids which lasted two days... and ended in the annihilation of the dwarven forces. I never gave it a title for some reason...

The wave of ugly drooling bogeymen
breaks on the stalwart ranks of dwarven men

Battle cries, and torn flesh screams
Muddy grass with red blood steams

Hate rises ever higher
Blades falling, never tire

The Bone March tide retires for the day
So many muddied dead strewn 'long the way

Night has fallen, sleep holds little rest
Count the fallen, death holds all our best

And morning comes, sun rising golden-rayed
Over the endless Bone March ranks arrayed

A sea of ugly drooling bogeymen
Breaking the ranks of stalwart dwarven men

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